9 Sexiest Keyboard Players Alive

Julia Prescott

Many young women will insist to you that their heart instantly melts when a man breaks out an acoustic guitar, that this is somehow the most deal-sealing musical instrument in the songbird universe; that is only half-true. While acoustic guitars maintain the sexy minstrel persona first established in Medieval Times, I believe that it is the piano that locks in the “Look how sensitive and romantic I am don’t you wanna kiss me right now” vibe that guys seems to always be striving for.

With that in mind, I decided to compile a list of some of the most sexy, most surprising, most multi-talented keyboard and piano-playing studs present day has to offer. Enjoy!


9. Kris Allen

Oh what? Did you think I forgot about American Idol Season 8 winner Kris Allen? True, Allen hasn’t been in the spotlight since his win in ’09 but let’s not let another piano-playing adorable man-boy-faced musician slip from our cultural grasp, we learned our lesson already with David Archuleta.


8. Justin Bieber

Haters gonna hate of course but I don't care. The Biebes is a hottie and of course he can play piano. OF COURSE. The kid started percussion lessons in the womb, double-fisted a nintendo joystick and a guitar at age 5 and no doubt can perform full-length concertos as well as any Usher song on a whim at parties. I am convinced he is part robot.


7. Jason Schwartzman

Before you boo old man Schwartzman, let it be known that he taught your young piano-playing guitar-playing teen superstars how to be cute while pounding some piano keys. That is all.


6. Josh Groban

Before Josh Groban “sexy” and “pianist” or “sexy” and “operatic” were never even invited to the same sentence party. And he’s hilarious! Don't believe me? Just watch this video! I'll wait.


5. Justin Timberlake

In a perfect world Justin Timberlake would have gone with all of us to the prom. Once arriving he would leap up onstage and surprise everyone with an improvised performance of, “Sexy Back” and then would grab a rose from nowhere and award us with it. That’s just the kind of sexy piano player Timberlake seems to be, and I’ll believe it.


4. Nick Jonas

Did the Walt Disney Company biologically engineer the perfect male actor/guitarist/singer/pianists 18 some-odd years ago? Because I’ve yet to be convinced otherwise. Nick, I’ll be waiting.


3. Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling is so heavenly and hunky in his new role as rock star, so comfortable in fact that I liked his band Dead Man’s Bones way before I even realized it had him as a member. Very sneaky Gosling, but don’t think I’m not onto you!


2. Jack White

Jack White picks up instruments out of boredom, instantly mastering them and then moving on to the next. God I hope he isn’t the same way with women (though I’d still go out with him even if that were the case).


1. Johnny Depp

What? What? I just can’t even. I just can’t even process this photo. How can someone who is so perfect at so many different things (to review: Acting, Singing, Guitar-Playing, Being Sexy) can also play piano? Rest of the male population take note: You are no longer necessary.

Can you think of any other sexy dudes who can also play the piano? Who do you think is the sexiest piano/keyboard player on earth? Let me know who I left off the list in the comments below!


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