Cartoon Dogs I Would Choose For My Iditarod Team

Chris D.

Look, I'm no athlete and I don’t really partaken too many sports (okay, ANY sports), but if I did get into a sport it would be dog sledding.

Namely the Iditarod. I could get into a sport that just requires you to be pulled on this sled, by a bunch of cool dogs. But real dogs are so boring, they always have to go to the bathroom and chew on stupid bones so I got to thinking. Which cartoon dogs to choose?

What follows is a list of a few dogs that I would certainly lead me to my snowy glory.



Half-wolf, half-dog, shunned by humans and dogs alike... Balto would drag my aura beacon to victory and then save all the children of Nome. What more could you ask for?


Brian Griffin

Although he is small, I believe his intelligence would come in handy with out-smarting the other teams. Also, he could translate for the other dogs.



Pluto is one of my favorites. He's not so smart but he looks like he's part grayhound so I'll bet he's really fast.



I do believe the technical advancement of this dog might come in handy although he only always seemed kind of dumb. But then aren't most dogs?



I’ve always been curious about this dog. If we run into a murder mystery, he might be helpful. Otherwise, I might have to take him off my list as he has a propensity to dance around and be silly. We're a RACE here, blue. Pull it together!



This one was a no-brainer, he’s just a big huge dog. Although I don’t fancy the thought of being behind him when he poops.



Dug is the coolest dog on the planet. I love Dug. Just put a squirrel at the finish line and watch him go.



I chose Underdog as my lead dog, mostly because he has a cool theme song partly because he could fly.

Which cartoon dogs would you put on your team for the Iditarod? Scooby? Gramit? Bolt? Let me know in the comments!


Check Out Stoned Dogs!
