Core Portal 2 game is the same “whether you buy it on PS3 or 360”, says Valve

By Stephany Nunneley


Valve’s Chet Faliszek has said this Portal 2 on PS3 was the first 100 percent internally created product for the firm, because it had external help with The Orange Box on the platform.

Speaking with The Gaming Liberty, Faliszek that this time around “it’s just us and it’s us working with Sony” which he described as being “really supportive and helpful” with the Ps3 version of Portal 2.

Faliszek also clarified comments Valve head Gabe Newell made during E3 when he stated Portal 2 on PS3 would be “the best console version of the game.”

“To be clear, the core game, whether you buy it on PS3 or 360 is the same, you’re not going to lose out anything on that,” said Faliszek. “But what we have on the PS3 is like, you can play with PC and Mac players and you’re going to get those updates more frequently but you’ll still get updates on the 360.

“We learned I think on the Left 4 Dead series how to update the 360 in a reasonable manner, where probably on The Orange Box we probably didn’t do as good a job admittedly. We’re always learning and trying to get better. And then (with PS3) you’re also going to be able to have your saves up in the clouds so if you go to your friends house and you want to play some co-op you can start back up where you were or whatever.

“So that’s definitely a step towards us expanding out, and how we like to play games.”

It was announced earlier in the week by Valve that Portal 2 would feature cross-platform play between PS3 and PC – which was already known – but Mac as well.  The PS3 package will also include a Steam key.

Portal 2 hits North America and Australia on April 20, and Europe on April 22 for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 and will contain over 13,000 lines of dialogue.

There’s some new co-op screens for the game posted on ScrawlFX as well.
