Darkspore gets dated for March 29 in US

By Brenna Hillier


A new video exposé of Darkspore’s creature editor has demonstrated how the Spore-inspired sci-fi RPG caters for both streams of customisation – getting your individual look down pat, and min-maxing like Zhuge Liang on a tactical trip. Love a gauntlet but hate its stat? Strip the numbers off and slap it on as decoration.

Gameplay engineer Casey Weaver spoke to Big Download to show off Darkspore’s editor.

A pauldron is show having its statistical properties removed, after which it can be rotated and positioned precisely as the player desires.

The editing menu seems quite streamlined, with instant switches between heroes, and colour-coded previews of stat changes.

Check out the editor in action below.

The video confirms a March 29 release at the end for the US.
