Hydra-exclusive Portal 2 gameplay filmed at CES, controller to get “level pack”

By Patrick Garratt


Following news that the Razer Hydra PC motion controller is to be bundled with Portal 2 with exclusive content, Venturebeat has filmed a level “designed to show new control and new puzzle elements that are only possible” with the controller on the CES showfloor.

The video shows a guy playing the Valve puzzler, moving and stretching blocks, walking across gaps, and so on.

The rep claims that the controller will allow players to “manipulate the [game’s] lasers better than anyone else because of the six degrees of freedom” afforded by the tech, before demonstrates by taking out sentry guns with beams directed from a floating cube.

In addition, the content accessed by buying the controller is described as a “level pack,” and the stage on show as a “very small snippet” of what to expect should you take the plunge.

See below.

The new motion device uses a small base station to create an electromagnetic field of around six feet, allowing players to control the action using two Wii Nunchuck-like controllers.

No price has been set for the controller as yet, but it’s expected to come in sub-$100.

Portal 2 releases in April.

And here’s Venturebeat’s capture of the CES press conference reveal of the Hydra-Portal 2 partnership:
