By Stephany Nunneley
As if seeing Epic president Mike Capps in the shower wasn’t enough, now you can see Cliff Blezinski heading off to “do the business” with a box of tissues and a bottle of lotion.
It’s all part of the Bulletpoints series of videos being released by People Can Fly and Epic Games to get you pumped for Bulletstorm, which releases on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 February 22 in the US and February 25 in the UK.
Watch it below, courtesy of YouTube user gen16com.
There’s also another one posted below, where Bleszinski talks about his beloved “Pop Pop” and making a game where you can, well, just watch it. It’s from the game’s Facebook page, which D’toid was nice enough to pull and post on YouTube for the rest of us schmucks.
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