10 People That I Think Should Replace The Egyptian President

Chris D.

I'm not one to follow world news and political events but it's hard to avoid the happenings going on in Egypt. My thoughts and well wishes go out to the Egyptian people.

It seems that they want a new president. But who? The Egyptian people haven't been specific, but I have some suggestions that I would recommend to replace the current Egyptian president... I mean, if the Egyptian people wanted my opinion, which (so far) they haven't asked for.


Dave Thomas - Founder of Wendy’s

How can you not love this guy, he makes awesome food and seems like a kindly grandpa-type. Egypt you would be lucky to have him as he is a proven leader and hey, free Frosties! If he were still alive he'd be the ideal candidate for the new president of Egypt.


Optimus Prime - Badass Robot

Egypt, how cool would it be to be the only country governed by interstellar robot? What country would want to mess with you when a giant robot leads your country? Plus, if he does find the energon cubes you are set for electricity.


The Most Interesting Man In The World - Cool Dude

I suggest this guy based upon his beard alone. In a part of the world where facial hair is encouraged, I believe that this epically bearded gentleman will do right by you, plus he always has gorgeous women hanging around him.


Brian Griffin - Dog/Renaissance Man

Brian would be a wise leader. If you can get past the fact that he may or may not sniff the butts of other heads of state, he would be a fine choice.


Michael Scott - Manager/Romantic

Admittedly Mr. Scott can be a bit goofy at times but is a great leader and would only put a few that's what she said’s into every one of his political speeches.


The Dude - Slacker/Philosopher

The Middle East can be a hotbed of tensions. What a better way to create an air of civility then to have your leader parading around the presidential mansion in a bathrobe. In this case I believe the Dude will abide.


Master Chief - Space Warrior/Badass

If you had the Master chief as a leader I can’t imagine that border security would ever be a problem again. Who is going to want to tangle with the guy that defeated the Covenant. Plus, how cool would it be to tool around the desert in a Warthog.


Joe Dirt - Optimistic Do Gooder

I know he’s a little short and has weird hair, but how can you not love a guy who is up 100% of the time? As Mr. Dirt says, “life is a garden, dig it”.


Chester Cheetah - TV Icon/Cheese Lover

I believe that Chester Cheetah would be a fine leader and a staunch proponent for puffed cheese snacks. It is widely believed that there is no political or religious hurdle that cannot be overcame by a generous serving of Cheetos.


Justin Bieber - Entertainer/Weird Hair Owner

I only recommended Justin Bieber because we in America just don’t want him. So Egypt if you take him, you would be doing us a solid and we would all owe you one.

Who do you think should be the next president of Egypt? Tell us in the comments below.

Check Out Boxman For President!
