7 Weirdest Entries In My Sister's Diary

Daniel Dominguez

I found my sisters diary! It says the weirdest things in it! Sisters are the worst! Check out some of the weirdest entries!


1. July 9th, 2009

God Mom and Dad are so lame! They, like, make me want to, like, totally barf! Blech!


2. July 14th, 2009

I found Dad digging through the trash again. What's that about? Why does he always spend several hours, when he thinks everyone's asleep, digging through the trash? What's with him, God what a dweeb!


3. July 19th, 2009

OMG, I am so tired of Mom and Dad having a room that no one is allowed into! Mom and Dad are so lame to have a room like that! And what's with all the strange, horrifying noises coming from that room? I mean, like, Mom and Dad are just total dweebs!


4. August 15th, 2009

Like, it is so bizarre that all of the cats in the neighborhood have totally gone missing whats up with that? And Mom and Dad always seem so full all the time these days, even when, like, dinner's not for another hour! What gives! They just don't get it! They just don't get anything!


5. August 21th, 2009

Guh! Typical Dad and Mom! Wanted to go with me to the movies. As if! Are you kidding me? I would, like, die if my friends caught me at the movie with those dweebs! And even worse? Like, later when I was walking home, I could have sworn I saw my Dad leaping from rooftop to rooftop chasing a pack of stray cats with a fork and a knife in his hands! I mean, come on Dad, who does that????


6. August 25th, 2009

Gawd! Mom and Dad are the boringest to hang out with! At dinner tonight they wouldn't shut up about how they were giant mice disguised as humans and how they were planning to take over the world but first they had to get rid of all the cats in their way, but when all the cats were gone, the humans were next. Adult conversations are soooooooo boring! Like, I asked my Dad who Justin Bieber was and he totally didn't know, he tried to cover up for it by saying it wouldn't matter soon, nothing in the human world would matter soon now that the giant mice were taking over, but the plain fact is he just does not know who Justin Bieber is. Like, here's a quarter Dad, buy a clue, Am I right or what?!?


7. September 2nd, 2009

Dear Diary, I can tell you right now that that is the last time I ever participate in "take your parents to school" day! Jeez! Dad and Mom were by far the worst! First of all they wouldn't talk to anyone! They just kept making chittering noises and sniffing the air, hiding in corners and under tables. I was like "Don't mind them, they're Mormons," to try to cover up but no one believed me. And then to make matters like a gazillion times worse, during the assembly they shed their human guizes and proceeded to eat like, practically all of my best friends! Hello therapy it's me Margaret, I just wanted you to know I'll be needing you for like, forever now! Thanks a buttload parents!

What are some weird diary entries from your sisters diary? Let us know in the comments!


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