Choose your Champion in this Dragon Age 2 video [Update]

By Stephany Nunneley

There’s a Dragon Age 2 video posted below the break, which shows off the different roles Hawke can take in the game: Warrior, Mage or Rouge. Once you’ve absorbed that, dive into this delightful mass of preview material.

Looking over the different battle techniques in the video, it’s going to make choosing a bit of a tough call. See it yourself below.

Elsewhere, Joystiq has got its hands on a video of the first two minutes of the game, including the first cinematic; check it out through the link.

Gamefront has posted what seems to be the full achievements list; click at your own risk for possible spoilers.

IGN spoke to BioWare’s Dan Lazin about why the sequel still only permits the player to queue one action at a time.

“You get very large parties of enemies who go down fairly easily individually,” he said.

“So consequently queuing up orders, a whole lot at once, isn’t particularly useful because that individual guy is going to be dead pretty soon and you’re going to need to reassess in two seconds and pick a different target.”

Speaking to Joystiq, Lazin admitted that the first game’s console versions were not up to snuff – and naturally promised that this had been rectified for Dragon Age 2.

“Consoles on Dragon Age: Origins were left behind a little bit,” he said. “You could tell the art had been created primarily for PCs and that we’d done what we could to make it work for consoles, but now it looks great across all three platforms.”

A demo for the game is to be released on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 February 22. It’s out on March 8 in the US and March 11 in Europe.
