By Debabrata Nath
Over 1.1 trillion shots fired in 161 virtual World Wars fought every day since the game’s launch.
Treyarch’s released a neat new infographic for Call of Duty: Black Ops to mark the release of the game’s first map pack, First Strike.
The image has a bevy of surprising stats which you’re sure to find interesting if you’ve spent a chunk of your life playing the shooter.
We’ve collected some of the data from the image below:
Top three Guns:
- Famas
- AK74u
- Galil
Top three Perks:
- Marathon
- Slight of Hand
- Lightweight
Random Facts:
- 3.4 Billion crossbow bolts fired
- Players ran around the earth 129,069 times
- 28,494,020 tomahawk bank shots
- 1,273,209,731 aircraft downed
- 994,665,956 cars destroyed
- 5,124,592,368 headshots
- 242,316,815 players skewered
- 591,779,577 executions
- 10,059,041,802 paybacks
- 7,127,942,471 contract CoD points
- RC-XD is the deadliest killstreak, with Valkyries being the least deadliest.
You can get the rest of the data in visual form over here
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