PlayStation Move Heroes dev diary focuses on how the game was built

By Stephany Nunneley

Nihilistic Software has released a developer diary for PlayStation Move Heroes, detailing how the game was “built from the ground up, specifically for the PlayStation Move.”

“We’re excited to give fans an opportunity to experience some of their favorite PlayStation characters in a whole new way through the precision and accuracy of the PlayStation Move system,” said the game’s lead designer Mark Cooke on the US PS Blog.

“We’ve blended some of the familiar weapons, abilities, and character movements from the original games with a fresh new set of motion-controlled mechanics that you’ll only be able to find on the PlayStation Move. For example, one of our favorites in the buzzsaw disc, a new weapon that the heroes fling into space to collect crystals, powers-up and more. But it’s up to the player to steer and navigate the disc while in flight. It’s a joy to fly with the extreme 1:1 precision of the motion controller.”

The game is on March 22 in the US.
