Sucker Punch discusses the morality system in InFamous 2 a bit more

By Stephany Nunneley

Sucker Punch has said the Morality System with InFamous 2 will have players making “in the moment,” choices which “dramatically,” change the outcome of the game – just like the first game.

According to video interview with the EU PS Blog, according to the developers, choices you make can provide you with more good will from society, while other choices may leave a “scar on the world.”

A situation used as an example was one of your companions advising you to go the less-extreme and more supportive route, while the other companion suggests you use lethal force.

There’s a couple videos on the site showing both the good path and the more evil route. By sound of things, folks are going to want to play through twice just like the last outing, to try out each side of the coin.

InFamous 2 is out this year.
