US PS Video Store update – The Social Network, Inception, Let Me In

By Stephany Nunneley

We haven’t done one of these in a while, which we’ve missed a bit – mainly because it gave us an excuse to post Conan the Barbarian pictures – but since consoles are becoming more than just gaming machines, you need to know what else is available on your expensive boxes.

In the US and Canada, folks can now watch Oscar nominated films like: The Social Network, Toy Story 3, The Town, Exit Through the Gift Shop and Inception.

New this week, is also the very excellent Let Me In, which in our opinion was rather decent translation of the Swedish novel Let the Right One In. We haven’t seen the Swedish film version, which the book’s author, John Ajvide Lindqvist, also wrote the screenplay for, so while we can’t use it as a comparison we’ve heard it’s rather excellent as well.

TV shows include season six of Top Gear (the good one, not the US one), season three of Tosh.0, some Arrested Development, and more.

Check with the US PS Blog for availability in your area of North America.
