Chris Brown has a real temper. In fact, it's probably the thing he's most famous for (besides posting pictures of his junk on the internet). I once saw Chris Brown across the street and waved to him, just waved at him, and it got him so furious that he took a bite out of a mailbox and spit the metal at me. This week has been especially infuriating for Chris. Here are some examples.
Tuesday, 10:20 am
What made him angry: On Good Morning America, Robin Roberts asked him about that time he beat up a super-famous girl singer and left her bleeding on the side of the road.
What he did about it: Yelled at Robin Roberts. Took off shirt. Broke window with chair.
Monday, 6:20am
What made him angry: Jar of Pickles Was Hard To Open
What he did about it: Posted crude drawing of his junk online. Broke window.
Monday, 8:48am:
What he did about it: A Neighbor's dog barked at him while he was Getting His Mail
What he did about it: Threw his mail at the dog. Called the police. Waited till they got there. Fought the police.
Tuesday, 10:02am:
What made him angry:The News Called For Rain, But It Didn't Rain
What he did about it: Tore out pieces of his hair. Kicked a hole in wall. Screamed into the hole for half an hour.
Monday, 11:48pm:
What made him angry: too many yellow skittles in his skittles package
What he did about it: Set the 7/11 he bought it at on fire. Laughed as he held his hand in the flames. Took off shirt.
Tuesday, 1:32pm:
What made him angry:Waiter brought him coke instead Of Diet Coke
What he did about it: Stabbed a knife through the waiter's hand, trapping it on the table. Forced the waiter to apologize for making him have to "go and do that."
Tuesday, 3:15pm:
What made him angry: Finding ants in his kitchen
What he did about it: He spent the rest of his life flying all over the world crushing every ant, until there were no more ants.
Friday, 7:00pm:
What made him angry: Rebecca Black chose the wrong seat.
What he did about it: Posted mean comments on her YouTube. Took off shirt.
What other things made Chris Brown furious this week? Let us know in the comments!
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