Bieber Trapped In His Hotel - Threatened With Arrest!

C.J. Arabia

OMG! S.O.S. guys! The Biebs is trapped! The bloody British are holding him hostage! This is war! We gotta get our Bieber out of there! Oh wait, he's not even ours, he's Canadian. F-him.

The city of Liverpool is under siege! The city is contaminated and infected with an epidemic of Bieber Fever! It has been taken over by love sick Bieber zombies, hungry for the flesh of their favorite pop star! The Biebs has been warned by police that he could be charged with 'inciting a riot' if he steps out onto his balcony to greet his fans. What an absolute outrage! Nobody puts my Bieber in a corner!

Thousands of fans (and their moms) flocked to the Hard Days Night hotel after school let out where Justin is staying, and surrounded the hotel. You'd think they'd be ready for something like this in the birthplace of the Beatles at the Hard Days Night hotel, but how do you prepare for thousands of sobby, PMSing tweens? I say, get those cops some ear plugs and fill their mace cans with Pamprin spray! That should calm things down.

The police had to hold the girls back with a human wall!

Yesterday was Jusin's day off and he had planned on taking a historic Beatles tour of the area but cops wouldn't let him go anywhere for fear that the whole city would shut down.

Most of the fans have been peaceful with their pro-Bieber rally!


But a few girls were scolded like children by police.

Enough of your screaming young lady, or I'll put you over my knee!

A few fans had to be forcibly removed.

How embarrassing! Arrested for loving Bieber TOO MUCH! That's going to go on her permanent record.

Finally the Biebs did some negotiating with the cops...


And once the crowd was under control he was allowed to go out on his balcony and greet the fans.

Police thought that maybe the girls would leave once they got a look at their future husband... but NOPE! Nobody went anywhere and the crowd remained. Finally even Bieber got bored and had to hit the sack to rest up for his big show at the Liverpool Echo Arena tonight.

And from what I'm reading today, the crowd is still there! Here's some video because I know how much you love video.

Embarrassingly enough Willow Smith & her father Will, who are supporting the Biebs on his tour, had absolutely NO problem leaving her hotel in Dublin today as they left to join Bieber in Liverpool.

Someone is not very popular.

C'mon Willow fans! Get your act together!

These girls love Bieber as much as Charlie Sheen loves Porn Stars and blow. I wish I had something in my life that I loved that much. Is there anything in life that you love as much as these gals love Bieber? As usual I look forward to reading your funny Bieber comments below!

Check Out Miley Cyrus Does Bieber!
