Katie Holmes Feeds Suri Cruise Penis Candy!

C.J. Arabia

Katie Holmes has won the Worst Mother Of The Year award this week. The internet is plastered with pics of her 4 year old daughter, little Suri Holmes-Cruise out on the streets of New York City at close to midnight, holding a box of penis shaped gummie candies.

It's so bizarrely shocking that I actually thought it was a mistake or somehow photoshopped, but it's true. That's little Suri and those are indeed a package of adult themed X-rated Penis Gummie, penis shaped candies.

Suri and her assistant/mom were seen talking to a friend in the sweets only restaurant Serendipity 3 in mid-town Manhattan, well after 11pm. Suri somehow picked up or was handed a box of candy that features cartoon like drawings of male genitalia. Suri is completely captivated by the phallic shapes and pretty colors on the packaging. Looks like she takes after daddy.

A spokesperson for the restaurant stated: "The Penis Gummies sweets were purchased by the group from the gift shop at the front of the restaurant." So Katie even went so far as to purchase the candy. It is not clear if they were a takeaway treat for little Suri, or maybe a gift for daddy?

Since the photographs were taken late Tuesday night, the candy is FLYING off the shelf. Serendipity 3 is completely sold out of Penis Gummies but they promise to get them back on the shelf asap! 

I mean, I'm sure there are a lot of other parents who are just dying to get their baby these tasty penis chewables. Probably good for teething.

What do you think? Is it appropriate for small children to have sexually explicit candy or treats? I know they don't understand what's going on, but is it really appropriate? Tell us what you think in the comments below!

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