Nintendo has stood down from remarks made by NoA head Reggie-Fils Aime, saying it will work with independent devs as long as the quality of its game is there.
“Nintendo always appreciates good quality content regardless of whether that’s coming from an indie developer or a more established publisher,” US director of PR, Mark Franklin told Gama.
“For example, we’ve worked with 2D Boy, the people behind World of Goo for WiiWare. This is a group of guys who don’t even have an office. So we embrace that kind of independent spirit and it’s ultimately the most innovative content that will rise to the top.”
Franklin’s remarks follow comments made by Fils-Aime in an interview following Nintendo president Satoru Iwata’s GDC keynote, which seemed to go after the app developer crowd, saying it wasn’t “looking to do business today with the garage developer.”
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