Here are sixteen men. Eight of them are professional bowlers: fine, upstanding men with a talent for the lanes. Eight of them are convicted sex offenders: super creepers who touched someone somewhere they didn't want to be touched. Can you tell which are which?
The names you see are not real, and have been added to protect the innocent (bowlers). Answers at the bottom!
1. Dale
2. Mark
3. Burt
4. Kevin
5. Hunter
6. Jarrod
7. Blake
8. Duncan
9. Henry
10. Charles
11. Justin
12. Matthew
13. Daniel
14. Harold
15. Larry
16. Tom
Answers: 1. offender 2. bowler 3. offender 4. offender 5. bowler 6. bowler 7. offender 8. bowler 9. bowler 10. offender 11. offender 12. bowler 13. offender 14. bowler 15. bowler 16. offender
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