The world of Super Mario Bros. is like bacon. You can go ahead and add it to anything, and it just gets so much better! If you like what you see, check out more work from all the awesome artists on their page!
Star Wars Mario Bros.
(Via SteveGarbage)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
(Via FullPlateMail)
Super Chowder World
(Via KikilovesSasuke)
Mario 4 Dead
(Via Kiipo)
Admiral Ackbar Goomba
(Via Allthestuffilike94)
Gears of War Mario
(Via Devan7)
Sgt. Frog Mario
(Via Garlar)
Fairly Odd Mario
(Via Not-WisqoXD)
Simpsons Vs. Koopa Kid
(Via SuperKoopaTroopa)
Total Drama Island
(Via dynamite64)
How Luigi Trains His Dragon
(Via Ribbedebie)
Darth Pac Man Vs. Jedi Mario
(Via ElTipejoLoco)
Mega Man Mario
(Via BrokenTeapot)
Pyro Phineas and Fire Ferb
(Via nintendomaximus)
Silent Mushroom Kingdom
(Via Aibryce)
Kingdom Hearts
(Via Rakumel)
Team Fortress Mario
(Via MarioMK1)
Super Mari-O Brother, Where Art Thou?
(Via Seblecaribou)
Super Zelda Sunshine
(Via Superstellz)
Tron Mario
(Via GroundZeroDance)
Sesame Street Mario
(Via andymagic)
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