MTV isn’t exactly known for “safe sex.” I mean, their top rated shows are “Teen Mom” and “Jwoww’s STD Scavenger Hunt” AKA “Jersey Shore”. They also have Skins, which is pretty much about doin’ it (sex doin’ it, if you know what I mean).
Pictured: Syphilis
So it was a little surprising when these MTV safe sex posters came out this week. After a little investigating, it turns out it’s from MTV Switzerland. As far as I know, regular American MTV is still heavily promoting “The Situation spreads gonorrhea to Italy.” Anyway, here are the posters. They pretty much rule.
Poster 3
Now, despite my many hours of internet research, I’m no expert on sex. But I seem to remember in school that your speedo has to be removed before sex actually happens. Maybe I got that wrong.
Poster 2
Purple tank-top, cutoffs, knee-socks… and is he skating in San Francisco? There is no way this guy is having sex (with a girl) unless it’s an accident. What I like about this one is that there’s no way for the woman to know this man was falling. To her, it’s just good old fashioned felonious assault. Hilarious!
Poster 1
What is he doing in there that a girl jumping onto him turns into sex? WHAT WAS HE DOING? And why is he doing it in a public bathroom?
Overall, I agree with these posters. Sex is never an accident, so you should always protect yourself. Also, and it’s not explicitly stated, it’s a good idea if you ladies wear underwear, especially if you are wearing a dress and are near banana peels, bikes, or roller skaters.
Which is your favorite poster?
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