Capcom has another original title in the works slated for next year

By Stephany Nunneley

Capcom European COO David Reeves has said consumers can expect more from the firm at market than just Resident Evil and Street Fighter games.

In fact, the developer has another original title in the works which is expected to hit next year. Reeves wouldn’t say what it was though, and mores the pity.

“The strategy going forward is for [Resident Evil and Street Fighter] to form the basis of the portfolio,” he told MCV (via CVG). “We’re not saying it’s going to be all Street Fighter and Resident Evil forever. There will be new projects, but they will be shot through with Capcom’s quality NDA and subjected to a very rigorous green light process… there will be at least one more original title from us that will come out next year.”

Last week during the firm’s Captivate event in Miami, new IP Aura’s Wrath was shown, along with Dragons’ Dogma, another new IP which was announced during the event.

Thanks, StolenGlory.
