Magicka: Vietnam out today, launch trailer released

By Stephany Nunneley

Magicka: Vietnam is out today on digital platforms for $4.99, and to celebrate, Paradox has released the launch trailer for it.

Here’s the PR description: “Answer the call of duty to take up arms against the Goblin-Cong, trudging through a napalm-scorched battlefield with a bad company of up to four wizard GIs, and earn new medals of honor and achievements as you eliminate scores of enemies with not-so-wizardly machine guns and a new napalm Magick, liberate prisoners from POW camps, and escape to a Huey before it gets shot down by a pistol—all of this, of course, in your stylish robe fatigues and hood-friendly helmet.”

Steam has the original title on sale today as well. You can get the complete pack for $7.99.

Thanks, EvilAvatar.
