Rumor – Dengeki Nintendo magazine to reveal new Pokemon title in May issue

By Stephany Nunneley

Dengeki Nintendo magazine is reporting that a new Pokemon game will be revealed in its May issue.

That’s it, really. Further information wasn’t revealed.

However, this hasn’t stopped from speculating what it could be, based on previous titles and release dates.

Here’s what the site figures: it’s either a spin-off game coming this year, a Pokemon Grey for 2012 (something currently denied), a Ruby and Sapphire remake for 2013, or a sixth generation Pokemon fort 2014.

Granted, this all conjecture at the moment, so the only thing we know for sure is that we’ll have to wait until the May issue of Dengeki Nintendo to find out more.

Nintendo has said other Pokemon games are being developed for both 3DS and Wii, so a new entry in the series is indeed coming at some point or another. Maybe it’s information on the new Pokemon Typing game. Who knows, really.

Thanks, GoNintendo.
