Things To Do When Falling Out Of A Plane: Alternate Activities For Your Weekend


Are you bored? Are you falling out of a plane? WHO ISN'T, right? Well, if you are looking for some ways to spice up your decent towards the earth, we have a few suggestions...



At least you don't have to worry about sharks...


Read a book

Unless it's "Breaking Dawn"


Play some tunes

I can't tell over the wind noise, but the acoustics up here are probably amazing!


Defy gravity

I tried this on land. Didn't work too well.


Do rope tricks...



Finish the ironing

I can't believe I forgot to do this before I left the house.


Drive a car

You get GREAT gas mileage when you are falling...


Flip a quad

It's easier when there isn't any ground around.


Get married

Just don't consummate the relationship up there...


Party with friends

This is why Forever Alone guy doesn't go skydiving...


Play Scrabble

I bet Words With Friends is easier...


Strip Naked

Worst. Windburn. EVER.



Click here Alternative Weekend Activities (If You Are A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
