7 Babies That Might Be Arnold Schwarzenegger's Lovechild


By now you’ve heard about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love child that he had with a household staffer. What we DON’T know is who that baby is. It’s a secret. Well, we’ve tracked down photos of some of the children of people working for Arnold, and we know ONE of them is really Arnold’s real love child. Which one do you think it is?



Lil Jimmy loves groping things. He's either a Schwarzenegger, or maybe he's just hungry?



Kimberly fought a Predator, and killed it with a log. She just might be the right kid.



No one wants this baby, so I hope Arnold claims it.



Craig loves politics already. Could he be the one?



Sarah is known for speaking in a thick accent, so some experts think she might be it!


Little Kyle

He has Arnold's eyes. That's for sure.



I think this one really might be it. Who do YOU think it is?

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