Beliebers Go CRAZY On Selena Gomez

C.J. Arabia

So Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are finally "out" as a couple. They've been seen PDAing all over the place and Beliebers are none too happy about it.


Bieberstruck fans are openly attacking Selena Gomez... It's unbeliebable, they want to kill her. All because she happens to be dating the JBiebs...

They hate everything about her. This Vlogger claims that her knees look like babies.


Which they oddly, kinda do.

She also blames Gomez for this incident when Bieber got mad and flipped off cameras.


One Biebtard tweeted, "Dear Selena Gomez. I hate you. Why don't you just jump off a cliff?!" But then removed the tweet after press picked up on it and started reposting the tweet.

Steamy pics of the couple in Maui really pissed the Biebette's off.

One Bieblover tweeted:

"Stay away from Justin, pedophile! I'm gonna kill ya in the night underneath your smelly bed."

Which was of course also removed...


One eager Bieber simply wrote, "Selena Gomez is dangerously close to a long, slow painful death."


It's not just Twitter... fans are making groups on Facebook, dedicated to the hate and destruction of Selena Gomez.


Woah guys, c'mon now, get a grip! I support you in your love of Bieber, and I even support you in hating on Selena Gomez but... If you are going to hate on someone, at least say something smart and/or funny and original. If you wanna know how to hate on someone the righrt way, check out how Seth Meyers slammed Donald Trump at the White House Correspondents dinner. THIS is how you slam somone you don't like. You do it with smart funny jokes. You don't Tweet lameass jealous death threats from your Bieber fan Twitter account or Facebook group page.


I guess hell hath no fury like a crazy teen fan!

Look, Justin Bieber is young and he's going to have lots more girlfriends and you guys are gonna have to learn to deal with it guys. You're going to see your precious Bieber kiss many girls over the years. Your heart will break again and again as you sit there in your bedroom playing Bieber videos on YouTube, wreaking of his latest fragrance, wearing his latest nail polish color, and Tweeting your hatered for whoever he's dating at the time. Get a sense of humor about it already. At least be entertaining in your hate.


What do you think about these haters hating on Selena Gomez and threatening her just because she's dating the Biebs? Seems crazy to me. I'd like to hear more smart funny jokes from these haters. I mean, her knees do look like baby faces!

Check Out Leave It To Bieber!
