Bringing Valve services to mobile is something the firm’s “starting to look at now”

By Stephany Nunneley

Valve is starting to look at bringing Steam functionality to mobile phones, according to the firms Doug Lombardi and Jason Holtman.

Speaking with MCV in its latest digital edition, Valve admitted it was bit late to the party with a Steam app for iPhone or Android, but is currently looking at what it could bring as a mobile offering.

“We do feel we’re late on mobile across many of Valve’s services,” said the firm’s marketing VP, Doug Lombardi. “It is something we’re starting to look at now. People are starting to ask us for it. The more requests we receive, the more we feel the need to act on them.”

“Mobile is really interesting. If you’re making games, you have to be thinking about having a platform in this space. But it’s too early to say anything definitive,” added Valve’s Jason Holtman, director of business development and legal affairs,

Sounds like if you want to be able to log into Steam on your mobile, or have some sort of app for it, get to asking for it in a more animate manner.
