Did Florida Just Accidentally Outlaw Sex???

C.J. Arabia

File this one under "WTFF" or "What The F**k Florida?"


The internet was buzzing yesterday about the news that the Florida Senate, in an effort to finally ban sex with animals, may have accidentally banned human sex in the process... This is due to some poorly worded text in the actual law.


I won't even get into the fact that it's 2011 and they are finally JUST getting around to banning sex with animals. I mean seriously, WTFF?

So then a whole bunch of blogs like Gawker, Newsweek, the Huffington Post (and many others) all picked up on the sex law story that had been broken by a blog that I had never heard of before called Southern Fried Science, which called out lawmakers for the language of the actual law.


The legalities of the situation are kind of boring, but the problem with the law is that it says you can't have sex or sexual contact with animals.

Now that creates an interesting dilemma... because regardless what the Florida Senate thinks... humans are animals.


Which means that they are technically making it illegal for people to have sexual relations with other people.

However, bloggers are kind of jumping the gun because...

The bill hasn't been signed into law yet, but if it is signed into law it will then fall under Chapter 828 of Florida state law, and Chapter 828 clearly defines animals as:

That should clear things up for EVERYONE...

So by definition, the law would mostly just affect actual animals... oh, and the cast of Jersey Shore, and the members of the Florida Senate who wrote and passed the actual law!


I'm guessing that the law will pass and people will continue having sex in Florida without fear of any sort of prosecution. I'm also guessing that lots of bloggers will have great fun making fun of Florida lawmakers for their poorly worded law. Maybe they should hire a lawyer or someone to help them write these laws. Ya think?


What do you think about Florida's law banning sex with animals? Does it technically ban human sex? Don't you expect a little more from your lawmakers? Do you think they will change the wording of the law to fix the problem or just pass it as is? Would you be afraid to have sex if you lived in Florida? I would, but not because of this law!

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