Great Ways To Ruin Prom For Everyone

Desi Jedeikin

You hate high school and you're not exactly thrilled to go to the Prom. Why show up and bitch about it all night long when there are many ways you can simply make the night that much more memorable! (Editor note: I've been advised by our lawyer website that you shouldn't try any of these. Just ruin prom the old fashioned way: awkward dancing and Ke$ha music.)


Put A Turd In The Punch Bowl


Hey you’ve figuratively been the turd in the punch bowl since third grade… why not get literal with it?


Turn The Dance Floor Into A Mosh Pit


Don’t just slam during the fast tunes… do it for the slow dances too. Turn ‘Jar of Hearts’ into ‘Jar of Hurts’!


Bring Your Creepy Uncle As Your Date


Everyone deserves a second chance, even Uncle Silky! The gym will most certainly clear out when he does his signature move, ‘the Worm’… which is not an old school dance move, it’s a parole violation.


Pretend You Got Seriously Injured


Go for the Carrie prom look without the mass murder. When you walk in covered in blood, prom will end with the proverbial record scratch.


Make Laxative Cookies


At first it’ll look like everyone’s doing the latest dance crazes, the Stomach Cramp and the Smooth Move Ex-lax. Flash-forward to everyone playing musical chairs with the toilet bowls. Those who lose the battle of the bowl will be grateful you TP’d the front lawn.


Bring The Little Brats You Babysit


Juice them up on Red Bull and then let them run wild! People will be begging you to get them under control. Too bad the only thing that soothes the savage beasts is the music of their hero, Justin Bieber. Suckas!


Have A Mental Breakdown


The first sign something’s wrong, you show up with an Edward Cullen doll as your date. The second sign—you two have a huge fight after you catch him checking out one of the chaperones.


Spray The Floor With ‘I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!’


This will give the Electric Slide a whole new meaning.


Dress Like A Prostitute


Guys just wanna get some action on prom night! So dress like you might actually give them some action and you'll be very popular at the prom. I mean, obviously not with the girls...


Open Up The Hellmouth


This will definitely ruin prom… unfortunately it’ll also ruin civilization as we know it. So only do this as a last resort… because destroying demons from hell is hella hard. And unlike Buffy, your cheerleaders will just soil their pretty little prom dresses when confronted by a hellhound.

I don't suggest that you actually do any of these things. You'll more than likely end up in jail and/or banned from graduation but it sure is fun to think of all the fun ways to ruin prom for everyone. What are some other creative ways to ruin the prom for everyone? Let us know in the comments!

Check Out Some Embarassing As Hell Prom Photo Fails!
