Microsoft has revealed during its Tokyo press conference today that Window 8 will be released next year, and will be optimized for “tablets, PCs, a variety of different form factors.”
Steve Ballmer said the firm was “obviously hard at work on the next version of Windows,” despite how well Windows 7 is doing and how well it will continue to do.
“Windows 7 PCs will sell over 350 million units this year,” he said. “We’ve done a lot in Windows 7 to improve customer satisfaction. We have a brand new user interface. We’ve added touch, and ink, and speech.
“And yet, as we look forward to the next generation of Windows systems, which will come out next year, there’s a whole lot more coming. As we progress through the year, you ought to expect to hear a lot about Windows 8. Windows 8 slates, tablets, PCs, a variety of different form factors.”
No details were mentioned on how Windows 8 will help Microsoft “relaunch itself at the forefront of PC gaming,” as was stated by TechRadar when rumors of the OS first started getting serious back in December.
Thanks, Develop.
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