Release dates: Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3, Mega Man Legends 3 Prologue delay

By Stephany Nunneley

A couple of date changes for you today.

First off is Dyansty Warriors Gundam 3. Originally thought to be seeing a release on June 24 in the UK, Namco has announced (via Eurogamer) it will be released on July 1 in the UK. So, it’s only a week’s difference for the PS3 and Xbox 360 crowd.

Secondly, it looks as though Capcom’s Mega Man Legends 3 Prologue has been delayed, with no word on when it will be released.

Originally slated to launch alongside Nintendo’s eShop for 3DS on June 7, the game has since been postponed in order to to improve the quality, reports Andriasang.

When we find out the new date for Prologue, we’ll be sure to let you know.
