Soul Calibur V details confirm guest appearances and more

By Debabrata Nath

Some details pulled from the transcript of Hisaharu Tago’s Soul Calibur V presentation in Dubai earlier in the week has brought a few extra nuggets on the title to light.

As reported by Keza during the liveblog, the game takes place 17-years after the last outing, and Sophitia’s children are central to the game’s story. Her son Patroklos will play a more specific role, as the game contains a”generational shift” in the series.

According to the folks over at IGN, Patroklos and his sister Pyrrha were affected by the evil inherit in the Soul Edge as youngsters, and could now be bound to the fate of the sword. What this does, is create a possible scenario where one must fight for good while the other fights for evil.

Both the swords – Soul Edge and Soul Caliber – will have been redesigned and are portrayed as short swords as opposed to their two-handed weapon form in the earlier titles. The story of the game will explain why at some point and time.

Tago showed a transcript of the game during the show, which “stressed” that developers Project Soul,  want Soul Caliber V to feel “light and elegant,” so the game’s being made  in such a way that it can be easily picked up by newcomers. Moves and combos will be far easier to execute than in earlier titles, and Tago also assured that the team is committed to creating an enhanced online experience.

During a Q&A session, Tago revealed that character creation will be making a comeback and there will also be guest appearances by characters from outside of the SC universe. Fan-favorites like Siegfried will make a return, but due to the timeline of the game, they’ll have aged considerably.

Soul Caliber V is scheduled for a 2012 release on PS3 and Xbox 360.

Expect more details to emerge during E3 next month.
