Things You Should Never Say While Making Out

Desi Jedeikin

There are lots of things you can say to your honey during a make-out session that they might like to hear. Like, I don’t know, “Your lips are so soft, I love kissing you.” Actually, maybe you should just keep your mouth shut and enjoy the kissing! Besides, you’re definitely better off saying nothing than taking the risk that one of the following bone-headed things might cross your lips!


By The Power Of Grayskull!


What are you saying here? That she’s Skeletor? Plus you’re running the risk that she might say “More like she-man.” Which will leave you feeling somewhat deflated.




I don’t think this is what they mean when they talk about serving your country. And even the biggest fan of Team America: World Police will be creeped out if you add “I promise you …I will never die.” It may have worked in the movie, but in real life it’s not romantic. It’s threatening.


That Reminds Me….I Have To Call My Dad


Nothing is more of a mood killer than bringing up your scary dad. Also it sounds really, really weird. Like in a Maury Povich kind of way.


Did You Have Hummus For Lunch?


Dude, she’s not dipping pita in your mouth! On the scale of grossness this is like a thousand times worse than a double-dipper.


Can You Hold My Retainer For A Second?


First things first…kudos on getting someone to kiss you when you have a retainer. Well done, sir! Secondly…WTF dude? I hope you enjoyed the little bit of kissing you got before you said this…because you are about to enter a colossal dry spell.


Mommy, Mommy I’m Scared!


Making out should never turn into a therapy session. Don’t be surprised when someone sneaks this into the yearbook as your senior quote.


Falcon punch! Kidding!


A girl would definitely not go for this one. A guy might…but be prepared for a grab attack!


It’s Not You…I Just Got Back From My Grandpa’s Funeral.


Hey most guys can continue making out through anything… except maybe thinking of your lips just hours before giving one last kiss goodbye to your grandpa as he lay in a coffin. Besides, shouldn’t you be eating a sad potluck with your family? What’s wrong with you?


Herp Derp


Trust me…no one wants the word herp anywhere near their mouth. Mocking your girl while you’re macking your girl…I believe you just herped so hard you derped. Congratulations!


Wookie Scream


Only a girl who is both a Star Wars fanatic and a furry might go for this one. Please contact me on Twitter. I kid, I kid…

What are some other things you should never say during a make-out session? Have you ever blown it by saying something stupid? Let’s discuss in the comments!

Check Out 10 Worst Places To Make Out!
