Sometimes, life sucks so hard, there's only one thing to say... F My Life! That's where FMylife comes in, collecting worst moments of our lives, all in one place. Here are some of the most rockin' FML moments this week!
Nice Guys Finish Last
Today, I decided to be extra nice to my girlfriend by washing all the dishes and folding all the clothes. She thought I was being "too nice"and hypothesized that I was cheating on her. FML
He Sounds Sweet
Today, I told my boyfriend I was leaving him because he's cheating on me. He then told me he will die without me. When I said that I didn't care, he said 'OK. I'll kill myself!' and then held his breath in attempt to suffocate himself. I can't believe I dated this idiot. FML
That Makes It Hotter
Today, I finally found out whether or not my boyfriend is cheating on me. Turns out he isn't. He is cheating on his wife, with me. FML
CrAPPy day
Today, my boyfriend dumped me because his iPod app said I was cheating. FML
Hit The "Dislike" Button
Today, on my Facebook, the stripper my ex husband cheated on me with showed up in the "People You May Know" box. FML
Did It Get You A Promotion At Least?
Today, I showed my colleagues how I could switch on my webcam at home from the office. That's how we all found out my wife is cheating on me. FML
Hey, Free Shaving Cream And Tampons Is Nothing To Sneeze At!
Today, I woke up to my car covered in shaving cream and tampons and the word CHEATER written on my windshield in lipstick. The guy a few doors down from me in my dorm has the same car as me. I'm a virgin. FML
It's Not Cheating If He Can Summon Apes With His Mind
Today, I found out that last summer while my girlfriend worked on a Disney Cruise ship, she cheated on me with Tarzan. FML
If You Had Known Maybe She Could Have Helped You With Math
Today, I texted my college boyfriend to tell him how terrible I felt about cheating. He replied saying he was so relieved because he had been cheating on me with a girl in his dorm. I was talking about my math exam. FML
Beware Spellcheck
Today, I was drunk at my nan's birthday party. My boyfriend texted me asking if I could go out, to which I replied "No, I'm at my nan's house." He then dumped me, calling me a 'cheating whore.' I was confused, until I realised I'd misspelt nan and said "No, I'm at my man's house." FML
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