After years of pretending she’s not a gazillion times better than her male counterpart, EA and BioWare are set to give the female version of Commander Shepard a portion of the attention she deserves.
Bioware’s marketing director, David Silverman, has been reaching out to Mass Effect and FemShep fans over the past few months, and announced two wins for the community.
“There will be a FemShep trailer,” he tweeted.
“We actually had a meeting on her yesterday. We are working on the look now.”
The standard FemShep look morphed slightly between the original Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, and BioWare is apparently keen to utilise feedback from the legion of fans on the Commandr’s appearance.
“YOU all via twitter and your posts actually aided in the decision of what FemShep looks like,” Silverman explained.
FemShep will also make an appearance on the collector’s edition of the game.
“Both MaleShep and FemShep are featured on the CE,” Silverman noted. “One side male, one side female.”
Kudos to BioWare and EA for having the guts to buck industry paranoia about women protagonists and marketing. FemShep forever, amirite?
Mass Effect 3 is due in the first quarter of 2012.
Thanks, Kotaku.
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