Gearbox: Colonial Marines is “the movie everybody always wanted to see”

By Brenna Hillier

According to Gearbox’s Brian Martel, Aliens: Colonial Marines is a game everybody wanted to make.

“It actually takes place after the third movie, but it’s a spiritual successor to Aliens. … It’s kind of the movie that everybody always wanted to see but weren’t able to,” the Gearbox co-founder told Gamepron.

“When I was a teenager, I went to see Aliens in the theatre on opening night, and ever since then I’ve wanted to make this game – I think as most of the guys in the industry have wanted to do.

“I mean you look at Halo, you look at even little moments in Call of Duty where they’re quoting the movie or naming characters after the movie… so, the whole industry has wanted to plan this, so it’s a real privilege for us to finally be able to make a game that’s true to Cameron’s vision for Colonial marines.”

Aliens: Colonial marines is due on PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U in northern spring 2012.
