Justin Bieber Ready For Marriage???

C.J. Arabia

There could be wedding bells in the future for J-Biebs and Selena guys!


This couple is seriously in love. For rills guys! We need to come up with a nickname for them Julena? Setin? Gober? I kinda like Gober.


Their once "secret" affair gets more and more public every day. More events, awards ceremonies, vacations, hospital visits, Tweets... you name it.


But now inside sources are saying that there could be wedding bells on the horizon... not THIS horizon but a few horizons down. Blogger Hope Carson reports that, "JB has made it clear to Selena that he doesn't see their relationship as "some short-lived romance." He intends to be there for the long haul."


Selena is writing love songs for Bieber so there's no question as to her feelings for the Biebs.

One source says that Justin has actually told Selena that she is "the one" and Selena has been heard talking about how cute their kids would look. Sounds like you're typical teen romance America.


This mysterious 'source' went on to say that, "Selena and Justin are having an intimate relationship," EWWWWW... I wonder how Jesus feels about that? "But she's not going to let herself get pregnant. She definitely loves kids and could see herself having Justin's baby one day. But it's not going to be right now." Double EWWWWW! Also, which parts of the Bible are we supposed to follow Justin? All of it? Or just the parts you follow?


So all those Beliebers out there better get use to the fact that Justin Bieber will get married one day, and it very well may be to Selena Gomez. Maybe not right away but I wouldn't be shocked if there was an engagement in the not so distant future. These guys are in real, true, popstar, teenage, love.


Would you marry Biebs? Are these guys too young to even be thinking about marriage & kids? Do you think this thing will go the distance or fall apart? What nickname should we start using for this couple? And of course I look forward to your hilarious Justin Bieber comments below.

Check Out Leave It To Bieber!
