Latest Trend: Male Prom Queens???


Young girls often dream of being prom queen when they get to high school, but as it turns out a lot of dudes are having the same exact dream.


Glee's much anticipated prom episode crowned gay teen Kurt Hummel their prom queen and high schools across America seem to be following Glee's lead.


Blacksburg High School in Virginia crowned senior class member Jake Boyer their prom queen this year...


Jake can now add prom queen to his many other accomplishments like senior class secretary, choir member and editor of his school's magazine. What can't this guy do?


Never one to disappoint Jake dressed up as Lady Gaga to accept his crown.


Sanford High School in Maine has also gone Glee by electing a male prom queen this year. Sanford crowned openly gay student Christian Nelson.


Christian was stoked to get the crown and accepted his tiara along with his boyfriend Caleb Jett... who was crowned prom king!


McFatter Technical High School in Davie, Florida elected a transgender teen named Andrew Viveros as their prom queen! Andrew prefers to be called Andii and let me tell you... Andii was thrilled and told press, "They called my name and I was in complete shock!" Then later he said, "It's a big stepping stone. People can see it's finally OK to be who you are."

It's really nothing new...


Despite the protests of church groups back in 2008 Fairfax High School in Los Angeles coronated Sergio Garcia as their honorable prom queen. Leave it to Los Angeles to be ahead of the trends.

As you can see Sergio wasn't afraid to express who he was even back in 2008, despite the best efforts of church groups to crush the gay out of his soul... He showed them who was boss... or should I say, Queen.


“If the boy at Fairfax High School feels like one of the girls, then of course he should be allowed to run for prom queen,” said a Fairfax High staff member.

Now some would argue that the prom queen should be a girl... I mean gay dudes are gay dudes, they aren't chicks.

I feel like you make more of a statement being a gay prom king. Let those guys know that being gay doesn't make you less of a man. I mean this guy Christian got all the press for being crowned queen, when his prom king boyfriend Caleb was the real trendsetter in my opinion.

Ultimately the gay and the straight people have spoken and they want gay prom queens. Being an American I say THAT is the most important lesson we've learned from all of this gay prom business. This senior class has learned that when they show up and vote, they can change the way things are done... and that is a really important and valuable lesson to learn.


I'm guessing that the trend will grow in coming years. Maybe to make things fair we need a gay prom king and queen, and a straight prom king and queen. A straight female prom king would be pretty BUTCH. Will the sexual stipulations for senior awards and crowns be lifted? In the future will there be entirely gay proms? A gay prom would actually probably be a LOT more fun than a regular one. Better music FOR SURE.


Maybe in a few years we'll have a gay Miss America. Yeah, I'm sure Trump would be cool with that.

What do you think about all of this? Let's discuss in the comments below!

Check Out Superheroes Who Are Probably Gay!
