Rebecca Black's Friday Yanked Off YouTube!

C.J. Arabia

Yay! Rebecca Black's Friday Removed From YouTube!

Everything is right in the universe again!


Remember last week when Ark Music Factory, the crappy low-budget company that Rebecca's parents hired to turn her into a pop star decided to start charging a $2.99 YouTube rental fee to watch the worst music video in the world? Well they did.

That pissed off Rebecca's family because Ark does not own the song nor the image or likeness of Rebecca Black. They have no right charging anything. 

Rebecca Black has issued threats that she will take legal action against Ark. Black's parents paid $2,000.00 to Ark to produce the song and the video... Ark provided the services, but that means that ultimately Rebecca and her family now own the rights to the song, and the video and everything. They paid their money and it belongs to them. Maybe Ark should reconsider their business model at this point.


Rebecca's lawyer says, ""We can confirm that we submitted a Take Down Notice to YouTube as a result of the dispute we have with Ark Music regarding the 'Friday' video."


For those who might be confused as to what day today is, you can always go to iTunes and download the song. Rebecca wants your money, money, money.


Interesting how this mess is all over the press NOW. Didn't Rebecca just record a new song and music video that should be released any time now? Rumors are that it will be called "LOL" but I'll believe THAT when I see it. I mean, this wouldn't be some stupid attempt at drumming publicity to promote her new song would it? No, I'm sure Rebecca would never do anything like that.

What do you think about your first Fridayless Friday?

Check Out Things Rebecca Black Does On The Other Days Of The Week!
