Weiner's Wiener

C.J. Arabia

Everyone loves a wiener story. Cocky and outspoken Anthony Weiner is a Democratic member of Congress for the 9th District of New York City, and he's made quite a mess of his life thanks to some lewd photos that he accidentally posted on Twitter.


The photos were meant to be sent as a private message to a 26 year old college student, but were accidentally blasted to his 60,000 + followers.


When the press picked up on the "sexy" pics Weiner denied that the wiener pic was of him.

He claimed that he had been punked and that maybe some photo of him had been "manipulated" by some kind of Photoshop hacker genius.

As is his usual style, he got loud and nasty with reporters who kept pressing the issue and asking questions. He even used the word "jacka$$" when reporters interrupted him to ask about the incident. This guy seems to bully anyone who disagrees with him or says anything that he doesn't like.


But as it turns out the graphic photo WAS Weiner's wiener. He finally came clean in this press conference and confessed to sending sexy pics to about (give or take a few) 6 separate women over the years.

It's just not a good idea to lie like this folks. If you get busted, just come clean. The lies have probably done more damage to his political career than the photos themselves could have ever done.


How can voters believe anything this guy says ever again?


What about this guy's wife? How can she ever trust Weiner again? It's a sad day when a woman can't trust her Weiner.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... if you take these kinds of pictures of yourself and you send them out via cell phone or internet, you should expect them to wind up EVERYWHERE.


June is national Internet Safety Month and Weiner's wiener has taught us all a very important and valuable lesson about internet safety.

What do you think of the latest lewd photo political celebrity scandal? What's worse? The photos or the lies?

Check Out 24 Sexy Fails!
