European News Wrap, July 25 – What happened today

By Johnny Cullen

Want to know what happened during the European news day? This is why you should always read this every day. But not with me at the helm tomorrow anyways.

I’ll explain what I meant by that at the botton. First, here is the news.

And that’s your lot from me today. And tomorrow. And the next couple of days, actually. I’m off on a mini pre-gamescom break, where all I am going to be doing is spending countless amounts of time on Fallout 3, watch a ton of movies and eat and sleep a lot. Truly living the dream. Stace will be here with you on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I’ll be back on Friday, though.

No Steph today means no US News Wrap. She’ll be back tomorrow, though. And that means that’ll be back too.

I’ll leave you with this little ditty: Sigur Rós from 1998. Kisses.
