Justin Bieber And Dad Get Matching Tattoos???

Desi Jedeikin

So you might remember that back in May, Justin Bieber was seen frolicking on the beach with Selena Gomez sporting a new tat, the Hebrew word for "Jesus." Because what better way is there to honor Jesus than getting some ink?!

Well, it turns out that Justin's father Jeremy got a matching tattoo the same day as Biebs, and photos of the tattoo sesh have been released! Here's one of the tattoo artist trying not to die laughing at the thought of sticking it to everyone's favorite male-child-lady-like-thing.


And here we see our little boy wonder looking scared at his impending pricking! Luckily, his daddy's there to hold his hand. 


In this pic, we see Justin no longer able to never say never to the pain. And his dad can no longer hide his love of newsboy caps. Can't you just picture him stopping the photo session so he could put it on? Looking good, Daddy Biebs! But I'm sure you already think that and I was being sarcastic when I said it .


Here's an artsy shot of their hands entertwined. A beautiful representation of the most cherished of childhood rites...the  father/minor son matching tattoo session. Don't worry Bieber...I'm pretty sure your father/son birds and bees chat will be coming soon. FINALLY!


And last but not least (or something like that)—the photo that will wallpaper your nightmares tonight. Am I supposed to be saying 'Awwww!' when I see this photo? 'Cause I'm not. But then again only the cutest of kitten photos can solicit an 'awwww' from me. 


This now ranks as my choice for all time creepiest Bieber photo. Worse than this:


And since I'm not completely heartless...here's something that will hopefully take your mind off of he-who-shall-not-be-named. AWWWWW!!!!


What do you think? Are you thoroughly traumatized? I think I am. Did you know that Jeremy Bieber's Twitter handle is LordBieber? I know, right??? Let's get some Bieber exposure therapy going on in the comments!

Check Out 10 Things Justin Bieber Would Say Never To!
