So recently a poll was conducted by the Women at NBCU, asking the all important question...What are the things you could not live a month without? Among men and women, internet was at the top of the list. Considering I had a full blown panic attack when my internet when down for three hours, I completely get that. But hey, I'm still not as bad as this guy...I mean, hello?? That's what tablets are for!
Second on both gender’s lists was sleeping. Which I also adore. With or without a desktop, a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone by my side.
But then men and women parted ways with their third choices. Third on men’s list was sex. Which I'm assuming means outside of the internet variety.
Unless it’s this guy who I’m guessing put internet sex first and helping his mommy organize her underwear drawer second.
Third on women's lists were showers. Which I believe the guys should consider switching to third as well, as it will greatly enhance their chances of getting the sex they want.
Some other interesting things that the poll showed was that woman are becoming hardcore gamers. 75 percent of women with smartphones own a gaming app compared with 67 percent of men and more women than men own Nintendo Wii system. Good news, the elusive girl gamer is becoming less rare. Bad news, they are probably still out of your league IRL and in WoW.
So what do you think? Is the internet more important to you than sexy time? Assuming you have an option for sexy time, which apparently is not the case for horny Napalm Man.
Do you think it's weird that I got this error message?
Let’s discuss in the comments!
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