PSA: Uncharted 3 beta goes live, runs until July 13

By Stephany Nunneley

Naughty Dog has thrown open the doors of the Uncharted 3 beta to the masses, and now you can get in on the sweet, sweet action previously reserved for Plus members.

Changes to the beta, reported earlier, include the gametypes: Team Deathmatch, Free For All, Team Objective, Hardcore, and Co-op Hunter.

Maps include Airstrip and Chateau.

Fixes include the following:

  • Relevant minor updates prior to 1.01.
  • Temporarily removed Plunder gametype from matchmaking.
  • Added in Free For All to replace Plunder.
  • Temporarily disabled Facebook integration.
  • Removed Yemen from map rotation in Free For All. Yemen will return during its regularly scheduled week.
  • Temporarily removed Cursed from Power Play rotation.
  • Fixed issue where a crash would occur when backing out of multiplayer.
  • Fixed frequent slowing of framerate that could lead to the Beta freezing.
  • Fixed a crash involving Emblems.

Get more information over on the EU or US PS Blog.

Game’s out November 1.

Watch the beta demo below.
