SOE promises Planetside 2 info for Friday morning

By Johnny Cullen

SOE’s stopped calling Planetside Next just that. Its gone into Planetside 2 mode. And by the looks of it, the first big info’s dropping in just 48 hours.

A listing on the newly-opened Facebook page for the MMOFPS sequel says that “classified information” will drop on Thursday evening at 7pm PST. That’s 3am UK time on Friday morning.

Guess just what so happens to be going at the same time? SOE’s Fan Faire event in Las Vegas, where a big announcement had already been confirmed.

Game designer for the title, Margaret Krohn, was the first to link out the Facebook page.

For the past year, SOE’s been teasing the new Planetside iteration.

No more teasing. though. All should be unveiled on Thursday.
