Very Best Of FMyLife: Sweaty Summer Edition


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Summer is supposed to be a blast, yeah? But even the normally super fun summer can have you saying... F My Life! That's where FMylife comes in, collecting worst moments of our lives, all in one place. Here are some of the best summer FML moments this week!


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Summer is supposed to be a blast, yeah? But even the normally super fun summer can have you saying... F My Life! That's where FMylife comes in, collecting worst moments of our lives, all in one place. Here are some of the best summer FML moments this week!


It Would Be Weird If He Started Licking The Tux


Today, I got a spray tan for homecoming. While I was dancing, I got really sweaty and the spray tan rubbed off on the guy's white tux. FML








As Long As You Look Good, Girl, I Ain't Trippin'

breakup sub

Today, I went to the tanning bed. I laid down in the bed and turned it on and the fan started blowing. There was a terrible smell and I thought it was the person before me. Then I realized it was just the fan blowing my sweaty feet towards my face. FML







A True Test Of Love

Cat toaster

Today, I went on a run with this cute guy I know. I was sweating untractively and profusely so I decided to discretly grab a leaf from a tree and wipe my face with it. A bird had done the same with his ass few minutes ago. FML







A Fool And His Phone Are Soon Parted


Today, I decided I would finally get up and weed our front yard. After a long couple of hours, I was hot and sweaty and decided to jump in the pool, with all my clothes on, just for fun. Right as I was in the air doing a cannon ball, my blackberry started to ring from my pocket... FML






Tell Her It Was On Purpose So She Knows Who Wears The Pants


Today, on my wedding day, when they said "you may kiss the bride", I swung my wife over in the romantic fashion and went in for the kiss. Unfortunately my hands were sweaty as I was nervous and she slipped under my grip. She fell and was knocked unconscious in front of hundreds of people. FML






Hopefully He Thinks Screams Are Hot


Today, I was walking on the track when this really cute guy shows up. I was hot and sweaty, and wanted to impress him by pouring water on myself. Instead of being turned on, all he saw was me wiping my face on my shirt screaming. It wasn't water, I forgot I had brought Sprite. FML






Probably The Subway's Not The Best Place For You Anyway...

dog collar

Today, I was on the subway. I have fairly serious OCD, so I avoided holding the poles or handles. All the seats were taken, so I leaned against a wall. At the next stop, an obese, sweaty man got on and grabbed the two poles around me, effectively hugging me. My shirt was wet when he left. FML






Ass Vs. Nature, Nature Always Wins


Today, I went commando because its 98 degrees and sweaty boxers are a pain. While walking to class at UT I heard a girl laugh behind me, I turned and flashed a quick smile and kept walking. It turns out I had sweat through my khakis and she totally could see my crack. Texas weather sucks. FML






You Got Negged Sister, Marry Him QUICK


Today, I decided to run outside. I noticed a really hot guy mowing his lawn. I decided to run a couple laps past him. After a couple minutes, when I slowed down, I smiled at him, and he replied" You look really hot!" I thanked him when he quickly replied, " No, I mean you're sweating a lot." FML






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