What the heck is a Boxxy? Boxxy is a YouTube personality who first became famous back in 2009 with this video.
Discovered on i-am-bored.com, she became a sensation on 4chan’s /b/ board for some reason, with some users calling her the “Queen of /b/” and others deciding that her manic rants were annoying. A civil war of sorts erupted between the Boxxy fans and the haters, eventually getting to the point where Boxxy references were a bannable offense on /b/.
Boxxy love (and hate) spread throughout the internet, and many meme, image macros, and even parody videos were made about her. Some examples:
Boxxy disspaeared for about 2 years, but supposedly returned back in January with a new video on a new account (ANewHopeee) where she appears without her trademark makeup and energetic delivery to discuss how Boxxy was just a character.
However, in July a new video on the original Boxxybaybee youtube channel claimed the January video was fake. However, on her NEW videos, Boxxy claims ownership both the Boxxybaybee and ANewHopee channels. I don’t know WHAT to believe anymore!
Boxxy this week has returned with a NEW video, with a new intro, link to her personal site, etc. She seems to be embracing her online fame.
Oh, and she’s set to be in the movie “The Chronicles of Rick Roll.”
What do you think? Does Boxxy live up to the hype? Is she awesome, or annoying? Does she wear enough eye makeup? Let us know in the comments!
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