American Inventions The Japanese Have Made Cooler

Daniel Dominguez

North America has always had that innovator spirit, ever since we stole it from the Indians. And while the Japanese tend to be behind us as far as coming up with inventions, we are way behind the Japanese when it comes to taking our inventions and making them a million times more interesting. Take for instance:




North American trucks, admittedly, can get pretty big. But can they, as this example clearly demonstrates, terrify Decepticons? They did it to vans too, as you can see  HERE



We invented the segway so that fat rich people could ride around staying fat and rich, in Japan getting around without walking devices also allow you to crush your enemies and blow up cars.


Racist Face Make Up


For some unexplainable reason around the year 2000 it became trendy in Japan for school girls to wear black face. Of course, Japanese schoogirls, like they do with everything else, couldn't help but make black face adorable.


Teddy Bears


Teddy Bears in North America: cuddly, fluffy, sweet. What happened to teddy bears once Japan got ahold of them? They turned into giant, steel, loveable warrior nurses who can carry a human being, or if they get angry, throw a human being through a plate glass window.


Personal Computer


No matter how interesting PCs get in North America, they might have cool flame decals, or a rad plastic alien bobble head, they're still just basically PCs. In Japan PCs have advanced so far that they are electronic ghosts of hot women who can be downloaded into hot bodies to fight spider mechs if spider mechs start invading your hometown.


What other North American inventions have the Japanese out done? Let us know in the comments!


Check Out These Unnecessarily Complicated Japanese Weapons!
