Borderlands 2 weapons differentiated, more

By Debabrata Nath

Some new details have emerged out of the Game Informer cover story of Borderlands 2.

A post over at Gearbox’s forums reveals that each manufacturer in the game will have their own unique visual style. This will be done to enable players to easily identify a weapons manufacturer and its quality. No manufacturer will carry the same looking gun.

NPCs in the game will be fully animated and will be able to move around their locations interacting with objects. Gearbox plans to make four seats standard for all vehicles, and class mods and artifacts will be making a comeback.

Borderlands 2’s skill tree will be maintaining the three-branch system, and will have more defined abilities rather than simple stat boosts. However, it is unknown how many skills will occupy each branch.

Gearbox also mentioned two Gunzerker skills: one increases the fire rate of any weapon the longer the trigger is held down, and the second increases accuracy with same class weapons, or doubles damage for different class weapons while dual-wielding.

You can read previously released details from the GI cover story over here.
