European News Wrap, August 11 – What happened today

By Johnny Cullen

Hello. What have I been doing today? I’ve been celebrating our Games Media Award nomination by writing news. And more news. And more, more news. And doing a phone interview too.

That phoner is the reason why this is late. Sorry. Here’s the news from my shift today. Boom? Boom.

And that’s that. Now to pack some more for Germany. That phone interview, by the way, is going live on Monday, but I’ll give you a preview of it tomorrow. Great interview too, so please do read it when we publish the full banana.

See you tomorrow, where I am going to do something that I haven’t done for the wraps that Steph and Brenna have done for theirs: use a non-game image. After all, it’s my final wrap before Cologne. And, you could say, you have to “let go.”

See you then.
